Dundee Students, Do You Know How to Beat the Monday Blues?

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Have you ever wondered how to beat the Monday blues? After all, it’s almost that time of year that some people dread, a day known as “Blue Monday.”

Monday’s, in general, can be pretty hard sometimes, so the idea of Blue Monday can be really daunting for students and young professionals.

When staying in our luxury accommodation, we want to make sure you’re feeling positive and happy, which is why we’re here to help.

That’s why we’ve come up with 8 easy self-care ideas you can do in the comfort of your own accommodation!

So take some deep breaths, relax, and get ready to embrace some serious self-care.

What Is Blue Monday?

how to beat the monday blues on blue monday

The idea of Blue Monday dates back to 2005 and was first published in a press release under the name Cliff Arnall.

Cliff Arnall at the time was a tutor at the Centre for Lifelong Learning at Cardiff Uni and created the idea of Blue Monday via an equation!

He took in factors such as debt levels after Christmas, low motivation levels in the new year and weather conditions which all add up to a general feeling of sadness.

What Date Is Blue Monday 2021?

blue monday 2021

This year Blue Monday falls on Monday 18th January, so make sure you’ve got plenty of self-care prep in your accommodation before then!

It usually falls on a third Monday in January but can also be on the second or fourth too.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some fabulous self-care ideas to beat those negative vibes.

1. Take A Long Stroll

take a long stroll and beat the monday blues

There’s nothing better than a nice long stroll to really clear your head and get some lovely fresh air, even if it’s just around your accommodation!

It’s proven that going on walks can improve self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and reduce anxiety and fatigue – which is just what we all need at the moment.

Why not take a nice socially distanced walk around the city, or a trip to Baxter Park, just 30-minutes from your luxury student accommodation!

You don’t need to walk far if you don’t feel like it, especially if the weather isn’t great, but some movement is better than not at all.

Trust us on this, you’ll feel much better after getting some fresh air and soaking up the sights of Dundee.

2. Do Some Yoga

yoga will help beat the monday blues

And breathe! Stress and anxiety is everywhere, especially on a day like Blue Monday, so why not try some yoga to really calm yourself down?

Yoga is a mind-body practice that involves physical poses, controlled breathing and relaxation, perfect for a self-care day in your accommodation!

Of course, there won’t be any local yoga classes on at the moment due to COVID-19 restrictions, but there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube to get you started.

Whether it’s a quick 10-minutes, 20-minutes or 30-minutes, there’s so many videos online to help you out!

We’d recommend trying out a 30 day challenge and really giving yoga a go because it can be super beneficial for more than just one day.

3. Bake Something Scrumptious

bake something to beat the monday blues

There’s nothing more lovely than the smell of a freshly baked cake, which is why it’s the perfect day to test out your baking skills!

Whether it’s some gooey cookies or simple fairy cakes, a spot of baking is bound to put a smile on your face on this dreary day.

Just make sure you’re totally safe when baking so there aren’t any mishaps, it might even be worth baking with a friend for a fun yet safe activity!

4. Have A Social Media Cleanse

social media cleanse on blue monday

Sometimes social media isn’t always great for our mental health and we can often find ourselves comparing our lives to others – which is not good at all!

That’s why we’d recommend having a social media cleanse, it doesn’t have to be anything dramatic, but you can at least make a start.

To begin, why not unfollow the accounts you know you don’t really engage with and you know you’re guilty for comparing yourself to!

Don’t be angry at yourself for comparing we all do it, but it’s necessary steps like this that can be really beneficial for your mental health.

5. Cook A Meal For Yourself

cook a meal for yourself to beat monday blues

Let’s be honest, you never really need an excuse to cook a delicious meal for yourself, but surely on a day like Blue Monday you might as well treat yourself?

Luckily for you, our luxury studios in Dundee come equipped with fabulous kitchenettes with state-of-the-art appliances so you can cook to your heart’s content!

Just because you might be cooking for yourself doesn’t mean you have to have something boring, you can really experiment with flavours and have something special.

Why not try cooking a delicious cauliflower and prawn stir fry filled with goodness? It’s much healthier than a takeaway!

6. Watch Your Favourite TV Show

watch your favourite show on blue monday

Don’t need to ever feel guilty about relaxing and watching your favourite TV show all day!

Why not use this time to get up to date with your favourite show and give yourself a bit of a break from work if you’re feeling burnt out.

You need to remember it’s always super worthwhile taking breaks when studying, else you’ll become exhausted and demotivated!

There’s plenty of choice on streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime , if you stop in one of our amazing studios you even get your own 32” flat-screen TV, perfect for streaming!

7. Tidy Your Space

tidy your space to beat monday blues

A tidy space = a tidy mind, so on a day like Blue Monday, it’s a fabulous idea to have a big tidy around your accommodation to really make you feel fresh.

Even if it’s just a small tidy around your desk or a spot of laundry, something is better than nothing!

Equally, you don’t have to feel bad if you don’t really have the motivation to tidy up, there’s plenty of time to get it done.

However, it’s so important to consider that decluttering and cleaning can promote a positive mental attitude.

8. Have A Spa Day

have a spa day

So, you might not be able to visit a spa this Blue Monday, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create your own in your luxury student accommodation!

Order some face masks, take a nice hot steamy shower in your en suite and snuggle up in your cosy bathrobe for pure relaxation.

Remember to keep hydrated when you’re having a pamper day, did you know that drinking enough water can reduce the risk of depression and anxiety?

We really do hope you found these self-care ideas useful, just because you can’t get out and do much doesn’t mean your time is being wasted! Remember to keep the positive vibes going and think of yourself before anyone else ? Struggling in lockdown? Check out our self-care idea for students in lockdown blog here for some useful tips!